Magnet therapy is a form of alternative medical treatment in which magnets are used on the body to treat health problems. These therapeutic magnets are added to bracelets, rings or soles of shoes or are put on the pressure points with the help of a doctor tape. However nowadays, magnet mattresses and clothing are also available so this is also widely used in some centers .
How Does Magnet Therapy Work?
There are magnetic and electric current in our body and there is some magnetic energy in each molecule of our body. The theory of this therapy says that whenever these magnetic fields get weak or low at certain points, we face some health problems. The cure to such problems is to place a magnetic field on a few special points on the body and things will start getting better. Magnet therapy is very beneficial for treating many problems. If you are looking for treatment, we are known for providing the world class naturopathy treatment in Gurgaon at affordable prices.
Who Can Get Treated By Magnet Therapy?
It is suggested for those people who are experiencing pain, especially in back and feet. It has been found to be extremely effective in healing wounds and dealing with problems like insomnia, headaches, arthritis pain and fibromyalgia pain. It is also useful for those who are having weight issues as if such people undergo the treatment regularly, it can help them in shedding weight.
Who Should Not Use Magnet Therapy?
It is mostly safe to use for everyone but those who use a pacemaker or have an insulin pump, as well as pregnant women, should not undergo this therapy. People who are taking this treatment should also make sure to remove magnets before getting an MRI or going for an X-ray. As this is an effective but a unique therapy, we request you to visit us at samshudhi so that we can guide you properly about magnet therapy and what else we provide in naturopathy treatment in Gurgaon.
Advantages Of Magnet Therapy
- Increasing the production of endorphins, the natural painkillers.
- Increasing mobility, easing daily movements and reducing stiffness .
- Increases blood circulation. Our health system depends on blood circulation including movement of nutrients to cells to promote growth, healing and removal of waste products from our bodies.
- It is extremely effective in healing wounds and dealing with problems like insomnia, headaches, arthritis pain and fibromyalgia pain.