It is a process of detoxifying or cleaning the body in order to increase its immunity level and bring a balance in the body and make a person feel rejuvenated. Panchakarma is a part of ayurveda and as the name says, pancha means five and karma means treatment it aims to cleanse the body.
Benefits Of Panchakarma Treatment
It has a number of benefits; for instance, it helps a person in getting rid of stress. What’s more, it not just relaxes the mind and body but also increases the tolerance level. It improves the immunity level of body as well and is a must for those who do not want to look old as it slows down the ageing process of human body. Some of its other advantages include strengthening tissues, improving their functionality and bringing a balance in the Doshas.
What Are The Five Doshas?
The five doshas are vamana, virecha, nasya, basti and rakta moksha. As per ayurveda, a person can be called healthy only when his organs are working properly, body doesn’t have any toxins, mind is peaceful and he is calm, happy and strong emotionally.
If a person is stressed and feels anxious, certain toxins developed in the physical and mental systems which have a bad effect on health and may result in development of diseases in the body.
Panchakarma treatment can easily be found by a person in any naturopathy center in Gurgaon but before starting the treatment, the ayurvedic practitioner will need to understand the health of the body and the level of detoxification that is needed. On the basis of understanding, practitioners will then decide upon the therapies which should be used for the concerned person.
Cost Of The Treatment
It is not difficult to find panchakarma treatment in Gurgaon and the cost of Panchakarma treatment in Gurgaon is also not very high. Normally, the cost of one sitting of all the therapies ranges start from Rs. 600 to Rs. 1000 and at least 7 to 10 sittings are required for benefit. However, the number of seats will be decided by the Ayurvedic practitioners so the actual cost can be ascertained only after consulting. It is recommended not only for sickness but also for those who are healthy as it can further improve their productivity and efficiency.
Advantages Of Panchkarma
It has many benefits. For instance, it helps a person in getting rid of mind stress. Also, it not just relaxes the mind and body but also increases the tolerance level. It boosts the immunity level of the body and is perfect for those who do not want to look old as it slows down the ageing process of the human body. Some of its other advantages are strengthening tissues, improving the functionality and bringing a balance in the doshas.